RNXCMP Простая утилита командной строки для сжатия файлов RINEX версии 2/3/4. RNXCMP — это программное обеспечение для сжатия/восстановления файлов наблюдений RINEX, разработанное Y. Hatanaka из GSI. Он преобразует формат файлов наблюдений GNSS из формата RINEX (версия 2.xx или 3.xx) в сжатый формат (формат CompactRINEX, или часто называемый сжатым форматом Hatanaka) и наоборот. Этот формат часто используется для обмена данными наблюдений GNSS через Интернет. Использование: Код: crx2rnx -h Usage: crx2rnx [file] [-] [-f] [-s] [-d] [-h] stdin and stdout are used if input file name is not given. - : output to stdout -f : force overwrite of output file -s : skip strange epochs (default:stop with error) This option may be used for salvaging usable data when middle of the Compact RINEX file is missing. The data after the missing part, are, however, useless until the compression operation of all data are initialized at some epoch. Combination with use of -e option of RNX2CRX may be effective. Caution : It is assumed that no change in the list of data types happens in the lost part of the data. -d : delete the input file if conversion finishes without errors (i.e. exit code = 0 or 2). This option does nothing if stdin is used for the input. -h : display help message exit code = 0 (success) = 1 (error) = 2 (warning) [version : ver.4.1.0] Код: rnx2crx -h Usage: rnx2crx [file] [-] [-f] [-e # of epochs] [-s] [-d] [-h] stdin and stdout are used if input file name is not given. - : output to stdout -f : force overwrite of output file -e # : initialize the compression operation at every # epochs When some part of the Compact RINEX file is lost, the data can not be recovered thereafter until all the data arc are initialized for differential operation. This option may be used to increase chances to recover parts of data by using an option of CRX2RNX(ver. 4.0 or after) with cost of increase of file size. -s : warn and skip strange epochs (default: stop with error status) -d : delete the input file if conversion finishes without errors (i.e. exit code = 0 or 2). This option does nothing if stdin is used for the input. -h : display this message exit code = 0 (success) = 1 (error) = 2 (warning) [version : ver.4.1.0] Домашняя страница: http://terras.gsi.go.jp/ja/crx2rnx.html GIT: https://github.com/Geo-Linux-Calculations/rnxcmp Релиз 4.1.0 для Windows, Linux, MacOS и SunOS